Roland SuperSax VOL.1 Roland Sxx 英文光碟正式版(高音質音樂資料庫)
New Digital World Studio
Roland SuperSax VOL.1 Roland Sxx 英文光碟正式版
!!!使用方法: 本音色取樣光碟為 AKAI格式 (請使用有支援讀取AKAI的專業音源/編曲軟
Roland was the first company wich puted low cost samplers on the music
market, starting by the S10 (the babe) till the Legendary S770 (Top of
the S serie)... Followed by Akai, Ensoniq and Yamaha in that mad
technology curse.
This CD include sounds for the Sxx line, in fact for S330 to S770 but you
can read the sounds w/o any samplers using the same programs as for the
Akai samples cdz...
The Roland Sample Archive "Project Series" concentrates on specific
categories of sounds. Although the quality of the "Project Series" lives
up to the Roland Sample Archives standard of excellence, the smaller
quantity of sounds gives our users access to individual sound categories
at an affordable price. The "Project Series" also allows us to release
more diverse types of sound categories to the market at faster pace.
Supersax Vol.1 contains multiple sound versions of each category, In
addition, we have included several variations of each sound version to
help manage sampler memory. For example, instead of just one alto sax,
we've included three alto saxos, each sounding completly different from
the others . Each of the three alto saxos comes in several memory sizes
using more of a fewer samples. Most of them have the full dynamic range
represented with piano, mezzoforte, a,d forte samples, Some of the
instruments are close mic'ed, while others are ambiant, There are many
variations of each sound, each one usefull in some respect.
Instruments included are: Soprano Sax, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax,
Bass Sax and Sax Ensembles...
Bref all things you need to make Jazz, Pop or Classical piece of music
like a chief !!!