Hobby Horse Productions Drums on Demand Vol 14 24 BiT AiFF DVDR 英文正式版(音效素材)(DVD一片裝)
Hobby Horse Productions Drums on Demand Vol 14 24 BiT AiFF DVDR 英文正式版(音效素材)(DVD一片裝)
NEW! Odd-Time Odyssey (DOD Volume 14) is a highly requested collection of odd time signature Song
Sets. These include 3/4, 6/8, 12/8, 7/4 and 6/4 in tempos ranging from 80 to 208. The crossover
styles and mix are great for rock, pop and even country songs (ballads). Simply find the Master
Loop that matches your song then use the average of 50 other loops in each Song Set to build an
awesome drum track. Download now! Or select shipped on disc.
‧ 800 loops and single hits in 12 deep Song SetsR
‧ 24-BIT Acid WAVs, 16-BiT Acid WAVs, Apple Loops or REX format ($39.95)
‧ Optional $49.95 upgrade to 24-Bit Multitrack WAV, $49.95 (Read more here.)
‧ 150 multi-velocity single hit drum samples (snares, kick, toms, cymbals, etc.)
‧ 27 Loop Layers (Read more here.)
‧ 6 of the 12 Song Sets include rim-based loops (side stick)
‧ High-end 44.1K mix
‧ Royalty-free (like all our volumes)
‧ Patented organization
‧ For disc orders, 24-Bit WAVs, Apple Loops and Multitrack discs are DVD data discs. 16-Bit WAV disc is a data CD.
‧ Each of the previews in the player below were made with 5-6 loops.